Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Role Reversal...

yesterday I found this message on my answering machine...

"Mom, this is Zach. I have been calling you for two days, but nobody me sometime and let me know if anyone is still alive."

Um...I thought I was the one that was supposed to be making those kinds of phone calls...

(edited to add...I did call him. He was calling to tell me his girlfriend was really excited about helping buy a blazer. Which is cool with me -- one less thing for me to do next week!)


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Hehehe, that's kind of funny. How long will you make him wonder? ;)

  2. That cracks me up. I got a call like that from my mom not too long ago.

  3. That cracks me up. I got a call like that from my mom not too long ago.

  4. So the girlfriend gets to help buy clothes. Could this be serious???

    I still get those phone calls --- I don't think my girls think I should have a life -- oh, I don't have a life. hummmmm

  5. Girlfriend helping to buy clothes? That boy is toast.


You like me! You really really like me!

Or maybe you just find me horribly annoying and are about to let me know. Go ahead, I can deal.

So, whatever, you know, leave a message. Thanks!!!